We are a group of second year media production students who have been given the task of creating a documentary. We have decided to look into the world of shamanism, including "The Journey", "Power Animals", "Spiritual Guides", "Sould Retrieval" and other shamanic rituals.

Our shamanic guide for the documentary is Dr. Zoë Brân who will tell all her experiences and beliefs she has from the realm of Shamanism.

After attending a workshop on Soul Retrieval, that also touched on and explained many other aspects of Shamanism, we are looking to explore these further in our documentary.

(C) 2010 "The Journey". All Rights Reserved


  • Made contact with a Shaman who was interested in helping us with our project.
  • Three of us to a Shaman 'Soul Retrival' workshop in London and met Dr. Zoë Brân.
  • The following day we went to her home and discussed the possibility of a documentary, and possible ideas.
  • Soon after we returned with the full production team to film interviews with Zoë. The original three learnt how to journey, which was to enable us to be able to represent it correctly.
  • We went back with three particpants (not part of our group) to get them to also learn how to journey. This was to be the crux of our documentary. We also interviewed Zoë again, and one of her previous students.
  • We started to look through our footage and decide how we are going to structure our documentary.
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